Motion in two Dimension

An object in 2 Dimension motion is the one that is moving on plane.

Let's assum a student thrown a ball to the sky with 30 degree angle from horizontal line.

And the initial magnitude of velocity is 50 (m/s).

See below image.

We can make a plane for the ball's motion like x-y 2 dimensional coordinate.

It looks more complecated than one dimensional motion.

But there is nothing to scare. We can divide 2-D motion into two 1-D motion.

If something moves like 3 Dimension motion, for example, a bird's movement, we can divide it three 1-D motions.

As we see the Figure, we can divide it by x-direction motion and y-direction motion.

Or we can say that one is for horizontal motion and another is for vertical motion.

x direction motion is constant velocity motion.

On the other hand, y direction is constant acceleration motion.

Constant velocity means the motion's acceleration is 0 m/s2.

We can say that the x direction motion has constanct acceleartion, even though it is 0.

If constant acceleration one dimensional motion, we can apply 3 formula for each directions.

I've applied them for this motion according to each directions, x-direction motion and y-direction motion.

Check it out on the above image.

Then we can analyze and forcast this motion.

I believe that you will study about trigonometrical function if you are not familiar with it.

HW1) What is the height when the ball reaches on top?

When will it reach on top? -> It means how long it will take after the student throw it.

And describe the displacement of the ball at that time.

HW2) Where will it fall on the ground?

HW3) If the student throw it to the sky with 45 degree angle from horizontal line, the ball can reach on the farthest horizontal distance. Prove it.

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