
Showing posts from May, 2015

Motion in one Dimension

Motion in one Dimension Hello everyone, Nice to meet you, welcome to my blog for physics. Figure 1 Let's see above Figure 1. Sorry for ugly picture.. I'm not good at drawing. Assume that, A driver is driving his car with 20 (m/s) velocity toward east. The mass of car is 200 (kg) including the driver. The car is on the straight road, and located 10 (Km) distance from his house. Let's assume again that there is no fraction forces, no air resistance, no any kinds of resistances. We will learn about fraction force later, also resistance. For now I'll ignore them. Look into the status of the car. We are focusing on it. It has properties but not important regarding what kind of car, brand and color, etc,,. We are interested in it's physical properties. Exactly speaking, physical quantities. On the Figure 1, I've mentioned 3 physical quantities. One is velocity and another is mass, the other is displacement. There are two kinds of physical quantiti